
3 Ways to Stay Fit in College

posted on July 18, 2018 | by Laurie Kelso

3 Ways to Stay Fit in College

Let’s be honest, eating healthy and staying active is not the easiest thing to do in college, especially when you are already trying to balance classes, work, sleep, and friends. That being said, I believe it’s super important to stay fit and healthy – even in school. When your body is energized and feeling healthy, it shows in other parts of your life. Waking up thirty minutes earlier to hit the gym (instead of scrolling through your Instagram feed in bed) is definitely worth it! Plus, exercise is proven to benefit mental stability, sleep, and overall stress reduction. Here are some tips to help you feel good!

Find a workout buddy

I’m always way more motivated to get to the gym if I have a friend to do it with. Encourage your pals to sign up for that new cycling class at the school gym, or coordinate times in your class schedules to workout together. Sign up for a workout plan (try Kayla Itsines 12-week program). You can split the cost with a friend to keep it affordable. Holding each other accountable will help you stay encouraged and reach your fitness goals faster.

Make exercise a fun & free weekend activity

Hiking is a fun (and free) activity to be able to spend some time with your friends or your significant other. Plus, you’ll get in shape doing so! Ditch Netflix and sleeping in on a Sunday morning. Instead, grab friends to explore your local state park or hiking trails. Bring a healthy picnic to award yourselves when you make it to the top! If hiking trails aren’t nearby, hit the park and bring a Frisbee or soccer ball and sweat it out.

Keep stress levels down with study break workouts

After studying at the library for five hours, my brain can never seem to focus for a second longer. My favorite way to relieve built up stress is taking thirty minute study breaks every three hours to get a quick workout in, or talk to a family member or friend on the phone while walking around campus. After you release unwanted pent up stress, your brain will be recharged and ready to get back to hitting the books.

Those are my quick 3 tips, but I’d love to hear yours!

How do you/did you stay fit in college? Let me know in the comments below!