5 Ways to Look Effortlessly Stylish At All Times
posted on February 26, 2013 | by Amanda Holstein

1. Love even your basics.
I’ve said this before, but loving every single item in your closet is so important, especially when it comes to being effortlessly stylish. If you feel confident in any and every piece of clothing you own, you’ll always look pulled together.
2. Personalize your accessories.
A dainty little necklace or a ring your sister gave you, all these things just add to your personal style. Wearing certain pieces of jewelry every day that have some sort of meaning to you help create a unique and effortless style.
3. Make every day a good hair day.
It’s possible, I swear. In fact, I’ll make a post about it. There are always ways to make sure your hair looks good and to be honest, I feel like my whole look changes when my hair is put together. I could be wearing the simplest t-shirt and jeans, but if my hair looks good, I look good. Find go-to hairstyles for those days when your hair just isn’t behaving. And if you don’t have any, just wait for my post ;).
4. Don’t try too hard.
Just because everyone is wearing stripes and a statement necklace doesn’t mean you have to, too. Wear what truly inspires you. You don’t need to worry about the trends as much as you may think. We’re always reading style blogs and admiring the outrageous looks the street style stars are wearing, but honestly, most of those looks just aren’t realistic for everyday life. And for those of us (including myself!) who try to replicate them often look like we’re trying too hard. Which brings me to my next point…
5. Keep it simple.
I often find myself getting dressed in the morning in an outfit I’ve dreamed up the night before, putting it on, looking in the mirror, and just feeling like it’s too much. Sometimes, simple is just better. It’s how you truly look effortless.
What are some of your tips for looking effortlessly stylish?
Grace - Stripes & Sequins Says
Amanda, I really loved this post! I couldn’t agree more with every single one – especially about the hair. I have been getting blow-outs every week, or every other week and can make them last a good 5 days. I feel like that alone just makes me feel so much more stylish/put together, no matter what I’m wearing.
Lauren Says
Perfect tips. I totally connect with 3. and 5. – those are me to a T.
I definitely need to learn to love my pieces more.
L. loves to share
Emily | Sparkle Meets Pop Says
Good points! I have long collected cheap statement jewelry and while I love it, I think I need some quality everyday pieces that could become a signature item. Most days I wear diamond studs that were a gift, and in a small way, they instantly amp up my outfit. I think a necklace, maybe an initial or something, could be my next one.
Alyssa Says
Um, I’m really going to need to see that post about making every day a good hair day. This is not something that seems like a possibility in my life right now!
Jillian Bremer Says
You can’t beat a vintage bauble or two to be unique ;)
Christine Says
It’s so true about your hair–it makes all the difference!
Christine In Color
Kelly Says
really looking forward to the hair post!!!
Alyssa Says
Confession: My hair is in a messy bun right now and it’s totally ruining my entire outfit, so I could not agree with you more about the hair one! And all the other points are great to keep in mind as well!
Whitney Says
speaking of everyone wearing striped tees… where did you get yours?
Amanda Says
Post authorHaha :) I got it at Madewell! I love it.
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Nnenna Says
I love #1 this year- it’s my big goal to only have things in my closet that I love and I still need to do a purge and get rid of all the stuff I don’t love!
Nora Says
Such great advice, especially agree with loving everything in your closet!
A Girl, A Style Says
I love this post so much! Such simple advice (I mean that as a compliment), but all so sage and true. Now, I’m off to do my hair…
Briony xx
Amanda Says
Post authorThanks so much! I LOVE your blog. Thanks so much for stopping by!
Gipsy Dharma Says
Amanda loved your post and keeping it simple :)
Angela A. Says
I agree wholeheartedly, especially with keeping it simple. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve put on an outfit that was inspired by something I saw online and felt like I had too much going on. Less is always more.
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