Career Advice

7 Red Flags to Watch Out for During a Job Interview

posted on November 1, 2019 | by Lauren Abraham

7 Red Flags to Watch Out for During a Job Interview

The job interview process can be totally nerve-wracking, especially if you’re interviewing for a job you really want. You might spend hours picking out your outfit, researching the company, thinking through potential questions the interviewer might ask, and practicing your answers.

When preparing for a job interview, many of us put all of our focus on making a great first impression on the interviewer. While this is, of course, important and necessary, it’s also important to really evaluate the interview in terms of whether or not this is a job worth taking. Think of it this way: as a candidate, you’re interviewing the company just as much as they’re interviewing you!

Making a career change is a big move. It’s a decision that shouldn’t be taken lightly! Follow along as we share 7 signs that the job you’re interviewing for might not be the right fit:

The Interviewer is Running Really Late

Hiring managers should take their interviews seriously, and one of the ways in which they show this is by being on time. If your interviewer is running really late, this might be a sign that they aren’t prepared to meet with you.

Additionally, it might indicate that they don’t respect your time–which can be a big challenge if they were to one day be your manager. Overall, if the interview seems unorganized and unprofessional, it could be a sign that the work environment is, too.

The Interviewer Speaks Poorly of The Person You Would Replace

No matter what may have happened with the person who was in the role you’re applying for, interviewers should never speak poorly of them.

While it’s appropriate for the interviewer to explain what the role entails before you start, putting down past employees can be a big indicator of how they treat people in general. Ask yourself, “Would I ever want to be talked about in that way?” If the answer is no, it might be time to keep moving.

There’s No Clear Job Description

This is perhaps one of the biggest red flags to look for. A good job description should include a thorough explanation of the projects you’ll be working on and what your day-to-day responsibilities will entail.

If the description is too vague or unclear, it may be a sign that the company isn’t organized. It can also be a sign that the position will require you to do things that are outside your job description. This isn’t always a bad thing, especially if you’re applying for a position with a start-up company. However, if you’re looking for a job with structure, you might want to continue your search.

The Interviewer is Rude

Your interviewer doesn’t have to be your best friend–but they should be polite and welcoming. The attitude of your interviewer can be a direct representation of the company culture and the type of environment you would be working in, so pay close attention.

Are they engaged during the interview, or are they checking their email? Do they seem open and willing to answer questions, or are they closed off? Is the way they speak friendly or condescending? These are all questions to ask yourself.

The Company Has a High Turnover

A high turnover rate is a key indicator that employees aren’t happy with their job. In most cases, companies who are constantly cycling through employees have issues internally–whether it’s with company culture, burnout, or a lack of organization. If many employees are leaving a company at once, especially after a short amount of time, the company might not be all that it’s cracked up to be.

The Interviewer Doesn’t Give You Time to Ask Questions

Remember how we mentioned that you’re interviewing the company just as much as they’re interviewing you? If the interviewer doesn’t ask if you have any questions, or isn’t able to fully answer your questions, this could be a major red flag.

Asking questions during an interview lets the interviewer know that you’re thoughtfully considering the position, and it also provides you with the information you need to make an informed decision. This is a crucial part of the interview process, and the interviewer should be open to any questions you may have–whether it’s about scheduling, benefits, or work environment. If the interviewer doesn’t seem open to you asking questions, it could be a sign that there’s something to hide.

You Don’t Have a Good Feeling About It

Last but certainly not least, it’s important to always trust your intuition. If something seemed off about the interview but you can’t quite pinpoint why, it may be a sign that it’s not the right fit. Remember, you’re the only one who can make this decision. Don’t let outside pressures influence you, whether it’s to take the job or not.

Be sure to do your research and ask plenty of questions to get the information you need, but at the end of the day, trust yourself. Can you picture yourself working there? If you said yes to the offer, would you be excited? These are all important things to consider.

While job hunting and interviewing can be stressful, it’s also exciting! Try to enjoy the process and look at it as the beginning of a new chapter. If you experience one of these red flags, but you still have a good feeling about the job, take it. These are just some things to keep in mind if you’re on the fence. Good luck and happy job hunting!

Have you ever experienced any of these red flags during a job interview? Let us know in the comments below.