Why You Should Start Bullet Journaling
posted on March 27, 2017 | by Chelsea Becker

A few months back as I was surfing the web, I kept coming across a new term: Bullet Journaling. I kept seeing beautifully intricate notebook pages with dots and lines and symbols. It looked like a foreign language that everyone was becoming privy to except for me! I was intrigued. As someone who has always tried to keep a journal (I have like 20 half filled out journals lying in a box somewhere—anyone else?), it’s always a habit I’ve admired but failed to keep. I also love physically writing out my to-do list with pen and paper. The act of literally writing it out and then having it tangibly in front of me has always helped me feel organized.
If this is resonating with you—keep reading. If not, you should still keep reading because bullet journaling (or BuJo if you’re in really deep), serves lots of purposes and can be helpful for anyone. What the system does is create a space for journaling (aka writing down your thoughts, notes, and basically any mundane—or super exciting—thing you want to remember), planning (what does your week or month ahead look like?), and daily to-do list. The whole shebang is categorized by a set of alien looking symbols that, when you get a hang of it, make total sense. Maybe I’m brainwashed?
How the system works
I won’t go into all the details, but the basics for bullet journaling are: you start a new page, write the date at the top, then go ham with your symboling. Here is a quick breakdown:
– The bullet symbol goes next to to-do’s. For example, go to the gym.
– An (x) marks that a task is complete. Once you’ve gone to the gym, you can put an x over that bullet to mark the change.
– The less than symbol (<) means something on your to list has been scheduled. Aka the “make hair appointment” to-do has been completed and scheduled for next Wednesday (this is different than a task being complete and done, it will be occurring in the future).
– The greater than symbol (>) means “migrate” in BuJo language. This is just a fancy way to say you didn’t get it done and you’ll need to move it to another day.
– A dash (-) signifies a note (I like avocados now, Katie broke up with Sean…literally anything you want to just jot down).
– The open circle (o) is the symbol for an event (ex: Sarah’s birthday dinner!).
The whole idea behind this is to keep everything concise, to the point, and organized. There are other parts, like an index, future log, etc. but you just have to figure out what works for you by trial and error.
Why you should start
Now the important part: WHY?
Once you get the hang of this system it’s completely simple and life-changing. It helps you get everything all on one page. From your little to-do’s to big deadlines, to events and the banal things you just don’t want to forget. It also forces you to slow down and look at the big picture, which in turn helps with stress and feeling overwhelmed. I would even go as far as to say it’s meditative in the sense that it keeps you mentally fresh. Sold yet?!
P.S. Here’s a video that is super helpful.
Do any of you bullet-journal?
And what do you find it most helpful for?
Allison Says
I’m so glad you wrote about this! I’ve been reading about bullet journaling for a while now and finally caved and bought a blank journal and actually brought it to work with me and am planning on starting it this week. I want mine to be totally focused on health, nutrition, and fitness, since I already have a planner dedicated to my daily/weekly/monthly task list.
Great, simple breakdown! I’m excited to give this a shot :)
Marinda Says
I started bullet journaling a couple months ago and I LOVE it! I have always been a planner girl because I’m an organized neat freak. I have tried several expensive planners that all served their purpose but it wasn’t until the BuJo idea that I finally felt at peace with a journal! I love it for several reasons. One: as I mentioned, I’m an organization freak and the bullet journal allows you to be as organized or as minimal as you like. It’s totally up to you because it’s a blank journal where you create the spread. Two: it has been a great creative outlet for me! I don’t just do the basic bullet points checklist, I also set up each week by creating boxes, grids, and spaces for each thing I’ll need that week. Some weeks that includes a travel itinerary, some weeks I include a meal planner. But the beauty is that I get to choose and create it each week! (Or each month, or each day! Totally up to the individual.) With previous planners, I usually lost motivation because they ended up just feeling like a boring checklist that I was doing everyday. With the bullet journal, I still have boring checklists but I get to be creative in how I present and track those checklists. Lastly, I use it for tracking anything and everything. I track health and wellness things, financial things, house chores, important birthdays, leisure activities, etc. anything you can think of, there is probably someone who has done that spread. That’s the other thing I love – there is a whole community of bullet journalists! Go on to Instagram and you can find any type of bullet journal layout you’ve ever dreamed of from the most supportive and awesome people. Anyway, I rambled. But I seriously can’t say enough good about the bullet journal!
Laura M Says
A friend got me into bullet journaling a few months ago and it’s brilliant; flexible enough that making a mistake doesn’t feel ‘bad’, but organised enough to keep you on top of your work. If you have extra time you can pretty it up, but otherwise the basic bullet journaling principles keep you going. It great!
My favourite spreads are:
– monthly habit tracker
– monthly round-up
– weekly spread with notes section
– monthly line diary where I put in upcoming events (and mark out which ones will cost money)
– various lists for ideas for blog posts, photos etc.
Amy Says
I haven’t tried bullet journaling myself but it sounds like a system that could really help with productivity. I always write down my to-do lists but this sounds like a much more organised way to do it ♥
Amy // Snippets of Amy
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Alaina Says
I keep trying to start, but get all overwhelmed, I’m always writing to do lists on paper at my desk, but can never get my head around actually starting a bullet journal! I love jotting things down, like I’ve just come back from holiday and kept a travel journal, I keep little journal notes in my phone, but would LOVE to be able to have everything in one book with me!
Madison Says
I literally bought a Bullet Journal, pens, and some stencils to start this yesterday. I am excited to see how it goes. I am the same way with my journals. I am consistent for about a week or two and then I forget it somewhere or put it away and never look at again. Then I buy a new journal next time I am ready to journal. I think bullet journals will keep me intrigued and I will want to keep up with it.