Ask Amanda: Should I Leave My Job & Move to a New City?
posted on February 4, 2015 | by Amanda Holstein

The advice column features questions submitted by actual readers (real live people!).
Their questions are only featured with their permission…duh. image via
I graduated recently (almost a year, gasp!) and began a job part-time. It’s great, but not quite what I expected…I babysit the rest of the time to supplement my income…even then I’m not making much.
I have this dream to move from the small Florida town I’m currently in to Nashville. I’m so young and feel if I don’t go now, I’ll never go. May marks a year at my part time job — I hate to leave but I also hate living check to check…I’d also like something far more challenging.
My question then, is this: is it so awful to leave my current job after a year? Also, do you have any tips on looking for jobs in another state? I’m pragmatic to a fault and the idea of a move so big scares me, but I’m dreadfully bored where I am and crave something new and exciting. I’m just clearly having a hard time removing my feelings from the situation (it’s like a small family where I work).
First of all, I love that you’re dreaming big and that you’re considering this big change. That’s just what you should be doing right now. You can DEFINITELY leave a job after a year. (In fact, you can leave a job after 2 months if it makes sense for you and your goals). In this case, I think it makes perfect sense that you’d want to leave your job, even though you love it, to pursue bigger things for yourself.
One thing to remember is this – just because a decision may involve some negative feelings (like leaving your close-knit group of coworkers, or facing your fear of moving), doesn’t mean it’s a wrong decision. All decisions and big changes come with good and bad. As long as you’re following your heart and listening to your gut, then you’re doing the right thing. It sounds like you truly want to make this move, you just have some reservations – which is totally normal. I say make the move. You have a good head on your shoulders and are considering all the right factors here, and I have no doubt you’ll make it work.
Tips for looking for a job in a new city:
1. Get in touch with anyone you know in Nashville first to see if they can connect you to a potential opportunity or at least to a person you could meet for coffee. Start networking as early as possible.
2. I also recommend changing your address on your resume to Nashville. If they see it’s in Florida, even if you say you’re moving, they may not take you seriously.
3. I also suggest (after applying to a bunch of opportunities online, etc) visiting Nashville for a week and scheduling as many interviews as you can during that time. When you apply, make it known that you’ll be in town (you could say you’ll be looking for an apartment then so they know you’re serious), and line up some interviews or even casual meet-and-greets over coffee.
4. Also keep in mind, you may not get a job until you get there, and that’s okay. It’s certainly easier once you’re living in the same city, so if you’re too overwhelmed with the move in general, take it one step and a time – make the move, get settled, and then find the job.
Do you have any advice for this reader? Let her know in your comments below!
And if you need any advice, feel free to email me here :).
Felicia Says
Hey Amanda, I just made a big move to a new city as well and I think you gave her perfect advice!! I’m really impressed by how understanding and insightful you were to this reader. I would also suggest research potential companies in Nashville that she would be excited to work for, and constantly checking their job postings for any opportunities. Oftentimes, even if you apply for a job at a company that doesn’t work out, the recruiter might really like you and think of you when the next opportunity comes that could be a good fit!
Monica Says
Moving to a new city is a big change, but it sounds like your reader is ready to take that step and be bold! Go you reader!
When I moved to London to pursue my career, I supplemented by income by working as a waitress part time.
Often part time jobs – such as waitressing, or working as a sales assistant – are fairly easy to get in to, even in a new city. Both these roles tend to have a frequent turnover of staff (students going home for holidays for example) and so often need new staff to step in part time.
I don’t know what your reader’s part time job is currently, but it may be an idea to look for a similar part time job in Nashville to start with, that way they can have a cushion of regular income, and still have time to interview and get settled into their new life.
I also found that by waitressing in a local restaurant, I got to know the local community really quickly which made me feel at home in a new city! You never know who your customers are, and who they may be able to introduce you to! One of my fellow waitresses was a burgeoning makeup artist and happened to meet a head executive from a large cosmetics firm – she is now working as a celebrity makeup artist for the awards season, largely through following up on a contact she met when waitressing!
Good luck to your reader! And thank you for always sharing great advice Amanda : )
Monica x
Abby Says
This is a great post! It’s such a hard decision and I can be torn between thinking too much and not thinking enough about a big decision like that! Great tips!
Lindsay Ava Says
These are great tips for moving and applying for jobs! I think every new job is scary and moving can be too, but you have to think about the future and if you´re staying will have you regret things in a few years then what is the point in staying. I believe in trying, if it doesn´t work out it doesn´t but you will always know you tried :)
Hannah Says
I have made a few moves myself and there’s nothing quite like the exhilaration of being in a new place-for longer than a vacation. I definitely agree, having your address in Nashville is good advice. I would say save up a bit so you can move there and survive for a while as you job hunt. Don’t forget to check Linked In! There are great opportunities posted there. I’ve lived across the country from my family, and am currently living on a different continent. You will be able to stay in touch, don’t worry! Plus it’s fun having friends and family in your new “home” and you can show them around. :) I support this 100% you only live one life!
Calley Says
I recently moved to a new city (currently on my 3rd week and counting!) and it has been one of the best changes I could make. I’m still learning a lot but my new work environment is helping me meet new people!
Some suggestions that I’ve recently learned are:
– Possibly try looking for an apartment/place to rent with a roommate. I moved and am living with another employee (who works in a different department) but it’s nice to ask her for advice about the city, do things together, and just talk! So for me, it made the transition to a new city not so scary :) If you are hired somewhere as their HR for any names of people who are looking for sub-leasers, that’s how I found mine!
– If looking for a job, definitely looking online is great – I used for my search and got hired by a larger company. I think they were more accommodating to out-of-state applicants since I’ve met a bunch of people already who’s hometowns are from all over the place. So maybe when you search, try finding a well-established company that would help you with interviewing, moving, the whole she-bang!
But all in all- I would say go for it! What is the worst that happens? You spend a few months learning new things about yourself and where you see yourself in the future. Your friends and family will always be waiting for you – so yolo :)
Good luck!
rachel Says
i am in the processing of moving across the country, which (as other readers have said) is both exciting and a bit nerve-wracking. i started my job search before christmas and just accepted an offer last week. i did skype interviews galore before landing my ideal job. i mostly applied online ( is great if you know what kind of position you are looking for), but i also have about 5 years of experience under my belt and my resume is pretty padded because of it (i’ve had a lot of internships!). that being said, i still think looking at job sites can be a helpful tool to see what is available in the city you want to move to – it can give you an idea about what companies/organizations are hiring and then you can do additional research to see if it’s a good fit. i did this and then sent out some emails to executive directors (i work in the non-profit field) along with my resume. i tailored each email so it fit for each person i was reaching out to. once you start talking to people i think it is good to have some kind of concrete date that you know you could be moved in and ready to start that new job. some places don’t want to make an offer to a gamble or someone who seems iffy about moving.
additionally, and in all honesty, i would still be moving even if i hadn’t landed a job. i’ve been in chicago for 5 years now and i definitely got the itch to move out west (so sick of the snow and sub-zero winters). i agree that you need to trust your gut and do what feels best for you. it’s never an easy decision to make a big move, but i think your outlook is spot on. if you don’t take advantage of moving around while you’re young you may never get the chance to do it. also, you can always move back if things don’t work out as you planned. nothing is set in stone!
best of luck to you!
Kayla Harris Says
Holy cow we are the same person!! I have been working a part-time job in Florida since May as well and just got a job offer in Nashville and am moving in January! I say do it! Now is the time to really figure out what you want and where you see yourself living long term. Nashville is an awesome place for people our age to grow and learn about themselves. We really should connect! We’re in the exact same boat haha good luck to you and great advice Amanda!
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Designs For Cricut Says
My question then, is this: is it so awful to leave my current job after a year? Also, do you have any tips on looking for jobs in another state? I’m pragmatic to a fault and the idea of a move so big scares me, but I’m dreadfully bored where I am and crave something new and exciting. I’m just clearly having a hard time removing my feelings from the situation (it’s like a small family where I work).
Designs For Cricut