So, What Do You Want to Do With Your Life?
posted on January 14, 2015 | by Amanda Holstein

When you’re a kid, everyone always asks you what you want to be when you grow up. When you’re a teenager, they ask where you’ll go to college. And when you’re in your twenties? Everyone wants to know what you want to do with your life. First of all, what does that even mean? There are very few people that can answer this question honestly: doctors and criminals with a life sentence. The truth is, things are always changing. So how do we figure out what to aim for now?
After reading a hilariously blunt article called 7 Strange Questions That Help You Find Your Life Purpose, I took away some pretty valuable insights. First of all, this article assumes that your life purpose is the same thing as your career. I’m going to go ahead and say that’s not always accurate, but for this post, I’m just going to focus on the career aspect. Here are a few takeaways that may help you figure out at least your next step in your career, because who needs to create their whole life plan in one day (or week, or year)?
Everything Sucks, Sometimes
I hear this from both of my parents all the time, but it’s hard for me to accept: No job is perfect. In other words, everything is going to suck at some point. The key is to figure out what we are willing to stick with, despite those rough patches. If we love something so much that it’s worth those difficult times, then that something is worth doing.
What Did You Do for Fun as a Kid?
It’s not crazy to think about your hobbies as a kid and what always seemed to get you excited. Those things may still excite you today, perhaps in a slightly different way. Was there something you did just because you wanted to? Not because you were rewarded for it, but because it gave you pure pleasure? I loved drawing and doodling. I was always scribbling my name in bubble letters and drawing regular everyday scenes, like people shopping at the grocery store. Now, I’m not sure exactly what that means I should do, but I’m gonna think about it and get back to you.
Don’t Not Do Something Because You’re Afraid of What Others Might Think
This one’s a biggie in my opinion. If you grew up at a competitive private school where finance and full-time white collar jobs ran the world, then you might be too afraid to consider something like hair styling or interior decorating. Close your ears to what others might say or how others might judge you and ask yourself what makes you happy.
You Don’t Know How You Feel About Something Until You Experience It
I’ve always been one to plan ahead and to try to make a decision before I truly have all the information I need. How can you decide if you want to be a teacher if you’ve never actually stood in a classroom and taught kids? Two takeaways from this: (1) Take the time in your twenties to try anything you’re curious about. Open your mind to ideas that may sound crazy to others (or even to you) and just give it a chance so you can find out how you feel about it. (2) Guess what? You don’t have to know what you want to do. In fact, how can you until you’ve tried it? Now that takes a whole lot of pressure off.
What’s Important to You in Life?
Sometime we forget to take a step back and think about the big picture. We’re so used to trying to do our best and get to the next level in our career, that we forget to think what we actually want in life. Think about the kind of career that would fit your desired lifestyle. For example, the most important thing for me in life is to be happy, and I do that by balancing my personal life with my work and by connecting with people I love. Figure out what’s most important to you in this one life you have and make sure you consider it in every decision you make.
Wow, that was a doozy! Who knew I had so much to say. What are your thoughts on this? Does this question ever stress you out? Lets chat.
Heidi Says
I so agree with you! I hate this question in job interviews or day to day life. I recently made a career change myself because I didn’t find balance in my last job–and that’s one thing I know is important to me. What I think can be helpful is finding the field or area you want to work in. I love taking lateral moves in an organization to figure out where I want to land–and asking lot of questions. I also think that at different times in life we have different things we want to be. Someone who is married with children may have wanted to be a CEO before having kids, but maybe having kids changed their perspective. I think that’s an important thing to keep in the back of your head when thinking about what you want to be. Great topic!! I love reading your blog!
Monica Says
Hey Amanda!
I am SO pleased you wrote this article! I think so many girls in their twenties (and beyond) can relate to this.
For me, analysing my ‘life priorities’ was a huge factor in making the decision to work in the field I do, and the way in which I work now, as a full time blogger.
I also applaud your advice for trying everything out, without hesitation. My boyfriend and I have both chosen career paths which aren’t white collar, but we pursued things we love and are passionate about, and every day we enjoy what we do.
My advice for twenty somethings would echo yours entirely!
Monica x
Absolutely Tara Says
I think this is some great advice, and a well written post. And you’re right, life is a constant experience, not something you figure out one day and then all is cake from there. We are always changing and growing… and if we’re not, I don’t think it’s a very great life. We’ve all seen the people who are stuck in one moment in time, and it’s not ideal. Thanks for sharing,
Laura Says
This post came in great timing for me! I’m about to start my last semester in college and I’m literally freaking about about what’s next. The pressure is real, and the world is a hard place but I do hope I can find a job that I love doing and will pay the bills. I don’t know know if 10 years from now I will be working in my field of study but I do know that no matter what I choose to do, I have to make sure it makes me happy!
Thank you for such wonderful post.
Ayushi Astha Says
Hi! Every molecule of every tissue of my body identifies with this post. How are you supposed to know what you want to do with your life by your teens or twenties ? I come from India, where if you’re not a doctor or a lawyer or an engineer you basically have no prospects, whatsoever. In a society as rigid as this , it is extremely difficult for parents to tell other people that my kid wants to be an artist or a drummer or something. I’m just thankful my parents are not like that. :)
Love it !
J'na Says
Great read! I read something very similar on the website, The Indie Chicks! Life can really get scary sometimes, but it’s extremely important to put your big girl panties on, go out of your comfort zone and do what is ultimately best for YOU. Don’t always think about how your actions will be perceived. If you are happy, that’s all that matters!
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Jane M Says
I’ve always had a hard time making “I want” lists, so I started with “I don’t want” instead. It’s amazing to see how much hard work we can put into getting things that we don’t even want. Once we eliminate some of those, it’s much easier to see what we do want!
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