Ask Amanda: I Don’t Know If My Boyfriend Sees a Future Together
posted on May 6, 2016 | by Amanda Holstein

Hi Amanda,
I have been with my boyfriend now for a little over a year. We have had a lot of arguments lately and the reason that is getting to me most is that he never wants to plan anything with me. I can see that when I bring up summer he begins to stress. I try not to mention anything so that he can focus on his studies. We are in a long distance relationship so there is very little communication on his part… at least that’s how I feel. Often when I bring up going out of town or even asking him if he applied for any jobs, he tends to ignore me completely.
We don’t get to see each other as often so I wanted to plan a getaway early but he refuses to help, or want any part in planning anything, especially when we talk about what we will do after college. I can tell he is in conflict over staying with me and living his life the way he wants… What should I do? Should I avoid the topic of planning for a while? I’m worried this means he doesn’t see a future together.
Hi Madeline,
It sounds like he’s avoiding the planning and answering those questions because they are causing him stress. It may not mean that he doesn’t see a future with you, it could just mean that making decisions about the future, like getting a job, causes him anxiety.
I think you need to have a talk about what is really going on and tell him what you need from him. Tell him that you can see he’s stressed and ask him what’s stressing him out. Try to get him to open up about it — if you’re going to be in a real relationship with him, you need to be able to talk about these things. See where that conversation leads and make sure you express your feelings as well. Tell him how you’re interpreting his anxiety — that it makes you feel like he doesn’t see a future with you and ask him about that. Tell him it’s okay if he doesn’t know the answer, you just want to know what is going on in his head.
Because this is an important conversation, I would preface it and say you want to talk through some things with him. Plan when you’re going to chat so that you can both put in the time and not be distracted. Don’t be afraid to say what you’re truly feeling, and don’t be afraid to ask what you want to know, even if you’re afraid of what the answer might be. It’s important that you are true to yourself throughout the conversation and not driven by fear. You have every right to know if your boyfriend sees a future with you or not, so don’t be afraid to get right into it and find out what you want to know.
Good luck and let me know how the talk goes!
Sarah, Les Jolis Mondes Says
I received a notification saying that you used an image that was featured on my blog. The (super talented) photographer is called Jean-Laurent Gaudy and I think you should include credits, not just a mention saying “feature image via”.
Sarah (Les Jolis Mondes)
Amanda Says
Post authorWill update now! Love the photo!
Sarah, Les Jolis Mondes Says
Thanks Amanda :)
Kristen Says
From a girl who went through this as well (late in my 20s) I look back and think wow I really wasnt even in a relationship when I was worrying so much about “did he really like me”. Get out of it, be with someone who makes you happy and doesn’t make you wonder why he’s not doing the things you want him to do. If he was 100% “in this” he wouldnt be acting like that. It took me too long to realize that and I feel your pain. I stayed for 3 1/2 years (waaaay too long) feeling the same way you did. It finally took me pulling the plug to make me happy. Once I did it was a relief!
He’s not worth it….punt!
Amanda Says
Post authorGreat advice, Kristen!!
Yanira Garza Says
I agree with Kristen. Read the book, He’s Just Not That Into You. Great read that helped me get out of a relationship that wasn’t really. Eventually he came around to finally telling me he loved me. Unfortunately for him, it was one month before my wedding. Happy to announce, this year will be 10 happy years…with the one who was into me.
Stephanie Says
^ Aww, so cute! Yes, I definitely agree with you all. You deserve someone who meets your standards and who makes you feel beautiful and happy. I just broke up with my partner last week for not celebrating me as a person (as we all deserve from our partners) and he would always claim I was insecure and overly sensitive. No. I just know what I want, and it sounds like you do too! Good luck. :) You’ve got a whole team of us on your side!
Saphia Louise Says
This is really great advice. Sometimes we can get caught up in trying to read the minds, especially based on a few actions, of our significant other. I recently experienced something like this with my bf and thought things were going to be a result of something that I did wrong, but because I spoke up and wanted to see what was going on with him inside, I was able to learn what was really bothering him.
Saphia Louise | Lifestyle & Faith
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