Blogging 101: How to Run a Blog When You Work Full-Time
posted on November 4, 2015 | by Amanda Holstein

For the majority of us bloggers, working full-time in an unrelated field is the norm. In fact, it’s pretty much impossible to turn your blog into a success overnight, so most of us work during the day and spend our nights and weekends blogging.
When I first started my blog, I was working for a media agency, running campaigns with lifestyle bloggers and brands. I was lucky enough to be working in the same industry, but still had to squeeze in time for the blog before & after work. I spent three and a half years balancing the two and learned a lot along the way. So for today’s Blogging 101, I wanted to share with you a few tips on how to run a blog while working full-time without going completely insane. It’s possible, I swear!
Work with your schedule
Clearly, your days are taken up by work. But if you find ways to easily incorporate photoshoots into your daily life, you’ll be able to get a lot done. For example, I would often shoot my outfits in the morning on my way to work, just before leaving my neighborhood or while waiting for the bus (exhibit A). Sometimes I would even bring my camera to work and have a coworker shoot for me during lunch (like in this shoot!).
I left nights for editing and writing. I also took advantage of my weekends — I certainly didn’t work on my blog all weekend, but I found a way to divide my days between playtime and blog time. If you’re heading to brunch, you could snap some photos on the way or document your weekend activities. Sundays are also a great day to work on a few posts you can schedule out ahead of time for the week.
Look at Blogging as “Me Time”
I think when you start looking at your blog as a job, when you already have one, it can be too stressful. Remember why you started blogging and make sure you’re getting what you want out of it. Shift your perspective and look at blogging as “me time”. It’s your time to be creative, play with photography, learn photoshop, improve your writing, socialize with similar people, and more. Let yourself enjoy those aspects and don’t put so much pressure on yourself. I actually was never planning on turning my blog into a full-time job, and that really helped take off the pressure.
Set realistic goals
Speaking of taking off some pressure, make sure you are setting realistic goals for yourself that won’t make you go crazy. Maybe you’d like to post 5 times a week, but if that’s not realistic, then that shouldn’t be your goal. Start with once a week or 2-3 times — whatever you find feasible. Remember, you have a full-time job and it’s okay to post less often than your ideal.
The same goes for growing your blog. It’s easy to look at others’ Instagram accounts and feel envious of their large readership. But driving yourself crazy by trying to reach 100k followers when you currently have 2k is just not worth it. Choose realistic goals for yourself that you can work towards weekly, monthly, and yearly and be proud of yourself when you reach them!
Life is still the most important
For me, life will always supersede work. I think it’s important to check in with yourself while trying to balance your blog and your job. Are you happy? Are you enjoying spending your time on these things? Do you feel like you’re missing out on life? Make sure you remember what’s most important to you and prioritize your happiness. (Plus, the happier you are, the better your work will be!)
If you have any specific questions about running your blog while you work full-time,
let me know in your comments below or email me!
Tillie Adelson Says
Love this post Amanda! I’m like many other bloggers out there–I work full-time and blog and it can get overwhelming, but it’s so true–do it for you and the people will follow! (It’s like a digital version of “build it and they will come!”) Although, admittedly, I am guilty of stressing myself out and worrying about “likes” and stats. However, if we learned anything from the Aussie 18 year old who renounced her social media presence: you have to be in this business because you enjoy it, not for the vanity or fame. –Tillie
Amanda Says
Post authorI totally agree — do it because you love it and focus on that. The other stuff will fall into place!
Megan Says
Amanda! This post is exactly what I needed. I have been struggling with this a lot lately and finding the right balance. I have had to learn to make achievable goals and understand that every blogger is at a different point in their journey so I cannot compare myself to them. I also love how life is your last point. This is SO true and so easy to lose sight of. Thank you, thank you!
Have a wonderful day //
Amanda Says
Post authorI’m SO glad this was helpful! I love how you said “every blogger is at a different point in their journey and I cannot compare myself to them”. That is exactly right.
Aria Says
This was so helpful! As I’m under eighteen, I don’t have a job, but for me, school is enough to keep me busy! Plus I study two instruments which will likely be a career for me one day. Finding time to blog is so difficult. I really love your blogging 101 posts! I’m learning a lot! Thanks!
Stephanie Says
Thank you for this post – I work full time but love my blog, and it’s hard to go through phases of being super into my blog, then super into work – it feels like I can’t focus on both at once. I try to let myself off the hook, even when I can’t manage a post one week – because the pressure will kill the love I have for blogging and make it feel like a chore. Thanks for the reminder that what I am doing is okay! I needed it for sure.
Quick question – who did you have take your pictures, besides coworkers? I am always curious how people manage to find the time and a willing photographer to take photos that actually come out looking good!
xo Steph
Mariah Says
These are all so true! Working full time and blogging can be hard work, but when blogging is what you love it doesn’t always feel like a job.
Icia Sunga Says
Omy! Just the right and perfect blog post for me. I was searching for hours on how can i do blogging even if i am working full time and this gave me much motivation. I am a newbie when it comes to blogging. Thanks for posting this!
Sara Says
Phew – this is exactly what I need! Sometimes I can’t help but feel a little bit down seeing full-time bloggers posting everyday and seem to have time for every litte detail of their blogs.
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Asad Zaman Says
Wow, this helped a bunch! As a blogging newbie, there’s a barrage of info and it’s difficult to decipher which would benefit me the most. And since I love your blog and it’s pretty successful, I’ll trust your advice haha Keep it up!
Kelly Says
This post is AWESOME, Amanda! I’ve been running my blog for two years now, but I just recently became serious with it in the past few months. By serious, I mean I’m dedicating myself to write at least one post per week since I was writing sporadically before that.
It’s nice to know there are other people out there juggling, but doing so gracefully! I love your idea about the “photoshoots”. I take 10 minute breaks with co-workers, and I ask them to take photos of me too! I also use lunches, or an hour before work to write up a quick draft, which can be edited after work or on the weekends.
Your post really reinforced this, so thank you for writing this! I’m checking out your “How to Increase Pageviews” post next since I am still a little unsure how to grow a following.
Thank you,
Mariya from The Balance Map Says
Trying to balance my 9-5 with a long commute and a new baby has been so tough. But I’ve learned that it’ll get done when I can and not to stress about it. I’m trying to create a reasonable plan to be consistent. I love all your helpful tips. Thanks for sharing!
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