Pretend You’re a Real Adult with These Easy Cleaning Tips
posted on March 23, 2017 | by Chelsea Becker

I’ve always been good at tidying up, but cleaning is another story. Getting down and dirty with a toilet brush has never been too appealing to me. Shocking, I know. But I do love a clean home! So in my attempt to be an adult, I’ve come up with a few go-to cleaning tips that have really helped keep my apartment as spotless as possible (considering it’s 100 years old, that’s pretty impressive).
Clean your kitchen sink daily
I used to kind of ignore cleaning my kitchen sink, or at least save it for once every few months, but lately I’ve been giving it more attention. After dinner, I’ll do a quick spray + wipe down of my counters and will push any crumbs towards the sink. Then, I’ll use a sponge to scrub down the sink. It takes an entire 30 seconds and my whole kitchen feels cleaner by doing this simple task nightly. (This is a great tip for bathroom counters, too!)
Swiffer Sundays
I try to dedicate Sunday mornings to getting my life together, and it usually involves assessing my apartment. One thing I do every week to feel content in my space is clean the floors. It’s definitely the area that seems to show dirt or scuffs the most. The thing is, I don’t know how to (or want to) mop. The big messy tub of water has never been appealing to me and it seems complicated. Instead, I use the Swiffer Sweeper Floor Mop, which I’ve been using for years! I start with the dry cloths to clean up all that pet hair. Then, I finish with the wet cloths and my floors look as good as a mop job, but way easier!
Change your showerhead
My friend taught me this trick and it’s my go-to for when I’m feeling lazy. If you have a traditional, attached showerhead, do yourself a favor and buy a detachable one. When you need a clean shower but don’t have time for a full scrub, simply spritz the whole shower (walls, floor, nobs) with a cleaner, then detach the showerhead and spray all surfaces. Everything gets rinsed down the drain and there isn’t a single dirty rag involved.
Dust while you dance
I’ll be honest, I’ve never loved dusting. Something about touching rags full of dust and trying to get into every crevice of a home—not to mention blinds!—is just annoying. But that all changed when I started using Swiffer 360° Dusters—seriously! I’m now kinda obsessed with the act of dusting and love that you don’t physically have to move every piece of decor or wipe anything down—plus it makes it way easier to reach all areas. I make it a point to turn on some Taylor Swift and have a dusting dance party at least once a week, usually on Sundays!
Do you have any easy cleaning tips I should know about??
Thank you to Swiffer for sponsoring this post!
Lindsay @ Hot Mess, Cool Day Says
Sundays are generally my cleaning days, too! And I love Swiffer products. I use their dusters and sweeper/mop. I’ve tried to use generic pads/dusters, but they never do as good a job!
Leah Says
Random question -where’d you get that cupboard/cabinet in the very first picture?! I’ve been looking for something that size.
megan Says
LOVE this post so much and I need to start swiffer Sunday!
Charlotte M Says
I definitely agree with cleaning the sink every day, I don’t think some homeowners realise how much dirt accumilates in the sink after using it just once. MY go-to product is the Iona washing up liquid from Tincture all of their products are amazing to be honest, they’re all natural and smell amazing!!!
Polly Says
When thinking about spring cleaning, do not forget about your gadgets. By choosing the right cleaning agent, you will first of all protect your gadget from the risks of damage. At the time this tool helped me a lot.
king Says
With compasses of cleanliness and maps of meticulousness, they discover and transform each unexplored corner into a landmark of luster. As they plant the flags of freshness and sparkle across your space, join in the triumph with a booty of bounty—a cashback treasure of up to £150. Set sail with these pioneers by plotting your course to and discover the new world of your pristine palace.
Emilia Says
The drain allows you to collect and dispose of waste from the entire house, so it is in almost constant use. Because of this, it can often become clogged. Its level of pollution directly affects the quality of life and comfort of homeowners, because everyone wants to fully engage in cooking, cleaning and doing various hygiene procedures. You can always find out how to clean it much more effectively here