
Experimenting with Organic Skin Care Products

posted on August 11, 2015 | by Amanda Holstein

Experimenting with Organic Skin Care Products


I’ve always been so jealous of those people with smooth, glowing, healthy skin. While I know how to add a bit of makeup to enhance the appearance of my skin, I’m always trying to find that perfect skin care regimen that will transform my complexion. And while I have a handful of products I love, I haven’t reached my skin goals just yet, so I thought I’d try the organic route.

I have dry, sensitive skin that is completely different from the rest of my body. While my body tans easily and is generally smooth and even-toned, my face is a whole other story. The second it touches water, it becomes dry and tight (so moisturizer is my ultimate savior). It gets red, splotchy, bumpy — lots of unwanted adjectives here.


So when I received an email a few weeks ago from Sara at Gemstone Organics, the timing couldn’t have been more perfect. Their organic and gemstone infused products are all about healing your skin and your soul. Their holistic approach is really what convinced me to give them a try. After explaining my skin type as well as my personal & emotional goals, Sara recommended that I try their Organic Clary Sage Gem Juice Hydrosol and Organic Moonstone Créme.


The Gem Juice is literally infused with gemstone essence, which offer similar benefits to a mineral springs soak. They help regenerate the skin and have been used for years to heal internally as well. I love that they come with crystals inside the bottle, too! I’ve been spraying this directly onto my face just after I wash it, and before I moisturize.


I use the Moonstone Creme as my moisturizer. It’s also made with gemstone essence, as well as an array of organic ingredients like aloe, black tea, and more. Since using it for just a few weeks, I’ve already started to notice past acne marks begin to fade and my skin tone evening out.


Since the key to great skin is a consistent regimen, I’m going to continue to use these products for a couple months to truly get a sense of their effects. So far, I’m loving the results, so we’ll see if I experience that skin transformation I’ve been looking for! Do any of you use organic skincare products? I would love some advice on where to start, what cleansers you use, etc.!