What It’s Like to Be in a Long-Term Relationship When You’re Young
posted on March 7, 2016 | by Amanda Holstein

Today’s post is written by my dear friend and fellow blogger
Monica Beatrice Welburn of The Elgin Avenue. Thank you for sharing your story
with us, Monica! And be sure to check out her amazing blog here.
My boyfriend Oli and I have been together for seven years. We met when I was eighteen and he was twenty two, we fell in love quickly and seven years down the line we now live together. I know that Amanda often receives questions about single life, and I wanted to share the flip side of singledom with you – what it is like to be in a long term relationship when you are young.
How We Met
Oli and I met when he cut my hair. I had applied for a new part-time job, and needed a ‘good haircut’ (my Mum’s words) to impress. My friend had a lovely bob haircut, and I asked her to recommend me to her hairdresser, her hairdresser turned out to be Oli.
When Oli cut my hair, we got on straight away, he was so easy to talk to, and I liked him immediately! Oli and I were both in relationships at the time and so we didn’t pursue anything. A couple of months later, when we were both single, he asked me out on a date, and I said yes.
The spark was there again and from that first date, I knew that our connection was worth pursuing.
The Highlights
You see each other grow.
When you’ve known each other since you were young adults, you are a part of someone’s life journey through their most formative years.
I remember so clearly sitting down with Oli, using pritt stick and magazine scraps to create a mood board for a hairdressing competition he was entering, we were so naively excited and we couldn’t have tried harder to create the perfect mood board.
If I met Oli now I would know him as the man he is today, a confident independent business owner, without understanding the stepping stones which led him to where he is. We champion every one of each others’ achievements, and I am certain that every success is felt more poignantly by us, for having known all of the hard work that has led up to that moment.
Love deepens.
Having been together for seven years, we have celebrated some incredible highs together, and also ridden out some tough times too. We’ve both lost people during our relationship, and those intense periods of grieving bring you together in a way you cannot anticipate.
We love each other like family. Whenever I feel we’ve reached a peak in how we feel for one another, Oli will make a brave decision, or support me in a way I didn’t expect, or just surprise me with a sweet gesture, which creates an even deeper love.
I truly believe that, cheesy though it sounds, love grows indefinitely with the right person.
Also, I think Oli’s growing hotter with age . . . so that helps ; )!
It is SO much fun.
You know how your best friends and you have jokes that no one else would get? Or memories that only the two of you share? Oli and I have belly-aching fun every single day. With the comfort of knowing someone for so long, you can share a similar humour, and one sideways glance can set you off with laughter.
Oli and I know we are in it for the long haul, and so anything that the other one wants to do for fun, we will gladly share. We spend couple time together as often as we can, and always aim to do something enjoyable and recreational with our time.
The Challenges
You can grow apart.
My uncle told me an analogy which has stuck with me. In life, the relationship you have with another person is like a train track, you must run parallel to one another. You may at times move apart, but the test is if you come back together again. Sometimes the tracks move apart, and never come back together, and this is when you should let each other go.
In your teens and early twenties, you face some of the most formative decisions of your life, you chose your career, where you would like to live, your friendship group…you have a freedom of choice which you may never have again in your life.
Being in a relationship can limit these choices, or they can bolster them with love and support.
Oli and I lived in different cities for five years of our relationship, I was pursuing a degree in London while he worked full time in another city. We were supportive of one another’s choices, and made our relationship work around the time limitations we had. Ultimately we knew (to borrow my uncle’s analogy) that our tracks were running parallel, and although at times they felt like they were distancing, that we would come closer together eventually.
The ‘other people’ conundrum.
When you meet someone in your teens or early twenties, you may face the difficult ‘other people’ conundrum. Yes you love your partner, but is there someone else out there, who may be a better fit for you? Or are you better off alone, right now?
I can only speak of mine and Oli’s experience; we have both met these questions at points in our relationship. We voiced these with one another and at one point we chose to take a break for a few months. This time of reflection and ‘single life’ was incredibly important for us, I discovered that I was stronger than I had thought, I was capable of living a life independently of Oli, and I also discovered, as Oli did too, that we missed each other terribly. Had we not had this time apart, we would not be in the type of relationship we are in now.
What I’ve Learned
The most important lesson I have learnt, for the success of a long term relationship, is to be open with one another, in every single way. It can be uncomfortable, and painful, to bring up some conversations, but in order to move forwards you have to lay all your cards on the table.
Oli and I found each other when we were young, we happen to have crossed paths earlier than some, and it is the right fit for us. There is no definitive answer when it comes to relationships, you have to be your own barometer.
I believe a relationship should be loving, fun, supportive and stimulating, a relationship is only worth being in, if it ticks all of the right boxes for you.
Whether we had met when we were fifteen or thirty, I don’t believe I would have settled for anything less, than the type of love Oli and I share.
Are any of you in a long-term relationship or have an opinion on this?
Natalie | Natalie Was Here Says
I love this post. And I can relate 100%. My boyfriend and I met in college. We were both 18. I told him on our first date that I “didn’t want anything serious” and that I “just wanted to have fun.” I had just ended a toxic relationship and dating was the last thing on my mind. But, after four hours of talking and laughing at the restaurant up the street, I realized life doesn’t always go as planned, and oh crap…was I starting to fall for this guy? Seven years later we’re still together and I can say without a doubt that he is my best friend, and I’m so happy we found each other when we did. We both lived long distance for two years after college, perusing our careers. Long distance relationships can test your relationship, and if your relationship is important to you, you’ll grow stronger as a couple (and learn to live independently apart from each other, too!). It’s refreshing to see a post like this, because so often, you hear people talk about how you shouldn’t be tied to one person, and that you should be single, especially in your twenties. Well, not everyone has to follow the same life plan. Sometimes, you meet the right person at a young age and the rest is history.
Natalie | Natalie Was Here
Aoife Says
This is so true and amazing!!
I myself met my partner at the age of 18 with an age gap too (of 8yrs!!).
Nearly 5 years on and living in separate continents we are still going strong!! Having been in a relationship so young, some may say I have missed out or I’m leaving my prime years behind. Often been faced with many questions about is it worth it, your so young, you could b doing anything you want!! Answer is always YES!!! I’m currently working and living abroad with only 2 visits a year to see him.
Rather than our relationship suffer and crumble it has been the best thing for us!!! It has made us realise the love and support we have for one another and the strength we have to sacrifice a little time apart for a better and brighter future together!!
Nobody can set a date and have everything done by the time they fall in love or find Mr. Right. Was I young yes, did I see the potential no, has it been the best thing in my life, yes, and more importantly would a change a single day of it, the good or the bad HELL NO!! That’s what love is, it creeps up on you when your not expecting it and it’s up to you to make the most of it!!!
Roxanne Says
Even though people say long-term relationships don’t work out, this is absolute proof that they do.
Aurene Fernandes Says
Amanda, reading your posts really help me lighten up and feel less stressful. I am in a serious relationship too and i couldn’t relate more! I wish you and Oli all the love and happiness life could offer.