For those of you lucky ladies heading to Coachella this year, please live out my dreams and wear one of these three outfits. Putting together outfits for a music festival is one of always fun. You can literally wear whatever you want and truly express your creativity. The problem is, I often see people go overboard with the hippie/boho trends and end up looking like they’re wearing a Halloween costume. The key is to choose 1 or 2 trends to sport at a time – don’t wear all of them at once. And, like I always say, keep it simple. You don’t want to look like you’re trying too hard. So if I were heading down to L.A. this year, here is what I would wear to Coachella.

about the author
Amanda Holstein
Hi, friends! I'm Amanda, founder of Advice from a 20 Something. I'm from the east coast, but always felt like a Californian at heart, so I made my way to San Francisco after college and haven't looked back. I have an irregular obsession with dogs, an oversized sweet tooth, and am so not a morning person. Most importantly, I believe we all deserve true happiness and I strive to make this transition into adulthood as easy as possible by creating (hopefully) useful content right here :).
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Eddie Says
I was hoping to see you at Coachella in person blogging live ?
If I lived anywhere even close I’d SO be there, but not in the clothes you suggest though, a guy can only get away with so much you know :)
Outfit #3 gets my thumbs up.
Eddie x
Alyssa Says
I love that casual chambray dress. Perfect for summer, and especially Coachella!
Amy Shaughnessy Says
The middle one is my favorite. Definitely something that could be used for summer too. Love all three though!
Fashion and Beauty Finds
Jaclyn Says
Great post! I’ve seen so many articles and pictures of what to wear to coachella and you are LITERALLY the only one to post outfits that can be purchased for less than $500-$1000 (per day cough cough refinery29). Love all the outfits and would wear them all to coachella this weekend!