5 Life Mantras to Help Decrease Anxiety
posted on October 21, 2015 | by Amanda Holstein

Anxiety is a recurring issue in my life and in many twenty-somethings’ lives. Everyone experiences it to some degree, whether it be daily, monthly, or only during major life events. What most of us don’t know is how to handle that anxiety and accept the fact that it’s just a part of life. So I thought I’d share a few mantras I often repeat to myself during times of stress that have really helped me get through life’s low points.
Nothing’s Permanent
When you’re in the throws of anxiety, it’s important to remember that nothing’s permanent. That awful feeling will not last forever and it WILL pass. Just because you’re feeling anxious in that moment doesn’t mean that you are an anxious person or that anxiety defines who you are. It’s just something that you feel every once in a while. Accepting the fact that life goes up and down, and that these low points are just a regular part of living, can make them feel less intense as well.
You don’t have to be perfect
I’m not what most would consider a true perfectionist, but I do have extremely high standards for myself. I’ve realized that when I don’t reach these high expectations, I quickly resort to calling myself, or the situation, a failure. But life just isn’t that black & white. Just because something isn’t perfect, doesn’t mean it’s wrong. It’s important to recognize this difference and give yourself that room you need to be a little imperfect (because we ALL are!).
There is no normal, there are no rules
One of my favorite mantras that I repeat to myself at least three times a day is this: there is no normal, there are no rules. If you’ve taken any psychology classes, you’ll know that people often carry with them certain assumptions about life. These assumptions tend to be extreme and most of us don’t even realize we live by them. For example, you may assume, “I must have a 9-5 job in order to be a smart, successful person”. Maybe this “rule” has led you to follow a 9-5 job that you don’t truly love, and you feel pressure that if you veer from this plan, then you are not a smart and successful person.
Yes, this is extreme, but you’d be surprised how many rules we have all created in our heads that are as drastic as this. These assumptions are actually preventing us from following our hearts, and they just create added pressure. So next time you feel yourself saying “no you can’t” or “no you shouldn’t”, ask yourself why. Is there some silly rule that’s telling preventing you from feeling or acting a certain way? Question these moments of hesitation, free yourself from these rules you’ve created, and you’ll be amazed at how much of that anxiety will just disappear.
There’s no such thing as “should”
The word “should” shouldn’t exist. (See what I did there?). But really, if you think about it, anytime you are using the word “should”, you’re telling yourself how to feel or how to act. For example, maybe you’re feeling upset because your boyfriend didn’t compliment you on your new haircut. I know many girls who would say, “I shouldn’t be upset because that’s silly”. But if you’re upset, then you’re upset. It’s just what you feel, and that’s okay. You can also be upset AND know that it’s not a big deal. You don’t need to choose one or the other — you don’t need to do anything! Anytime you hear yourself using the word “should”, remove it from that sentence immediately and you’ll see how much pressure you’ll be taking off of yourself!
It’s okay to be not okay
There is such a stigma about anxiety, depression — even just simple anger and sadness. Yes, these are all difficult emotions, but that doesn’t mean it’s a bad thing to feel them. Whenever I used to get stressed or upset, I would try to get out of that state of mind as quickly as possible, telling myself that these emotions were “bad”. But that added pressure just makes things worse. If you’re feeling sad, that’s okay! Let your emotions be what they are and don’t fight them. It would be impossible to feel happy and stress-free 100% of the time, so it’s okay to experience these negative emotions now and then. It’s okay to be not okay!
Megan Says
This is pretty darn perfect! I love that you said it’s okay to not be okay, I think our society and me personally just put so much pressure on ourselves to be perfect and not be okay is a sign of weakness. But it most definitely isn’t, it makes you real! I am also going to have to steal ‘there is no normal, there are no rules’
have a wonderful wednesday // http://www.lifeloveandbe.com/
Jordan Says
“There is no normal, there are no rules.”
This is a new mantra for me as well, but I had never worded it just like that. Brilliant!
Liz Says
I really enjoyed this post! I’ve been a bit down this week, so this has really helped put things into perspective.
xo, Liz
Florence Says
There’s definitely a happiness pressure in society, especially for people in their twenties to be having “the time of their lives.” For awhile that mentality exacerbated my depression because on top of feeling down I felt guilty and weird about feeling down. Thanks for raising awareness :)
Bree Says
My favorite is it’s okay to not be okay! So perfect, it took me a long time to be able to accept that, I used to get stressed and mad when I was feeling stressed or mad which is so silly! It’s alright to feel how you’re feeling!
xo Bree
Wandeleur Says
This article is very spot on! Love this!!
Aria Says
This was great. Sometimes I need this! I have so many things on my mind that I just need to forget it and tell myself it’s okay if what I’m doing isn’t perfectly perfect! Especially stressing out over grades in school. Thanks!
Anna E. Lee - Interior Design Says
These are great mantras; I especially appreciate the one about how there is no such thing as “should”. I just finished reading Louise Hay’s “You Can Heal Your Life”, where she discusses this. That realization has been so empowering!
Heidi Says
I really love this post and I LOVE your mantras. One of mine is similar to yours..”It’s okay to feel whatever I’m feeling. If I’m feeling it, it’s a valid feeling.” Accepting that definitely takes a lot of thought, but it totally pays off.
Amanda Says
Thank you so much for this. I really needed this today! Printing it and putting it up in my office as a reminder. :)
Phaila Says
Thank you for tosi post. I accidentally found it and it was exactly what I needed. Thanks for there encouraging words. Everything’s gonna be alright :)
Sarah Says
Love this list! I deal with a lot of anxiety, and these are super important reminders.
One thing I would add, though, is that while a bit of anxiety every now and then is normal, if you feel you’re really struggling, it’s 110% okay to seek help. You don’t even have to be falling apart to seek help, either. Talking to someone like a counsellor can make a huge difference :)
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