Challenge: One Week of No Makeup
posted on February 15, 2018 | by Amanda Holstein

I’ve always wished I could be one of those natural beauties. You know, those girls with incredible skin and perfect brows? They can go sans makeup and look flawless without effort. A few weeks ago I was thinking about this, and I realized I had this assumption in my head that I had to wear makeup because my skin wasn’t perfect. I hated that I was thinking that way and I knew I had to do something about it. So I decided to challenge myself this past week to wearing no makeup whatsoever.
There’s something so freeing yet so terrifying about wearing no makeup for a whole week. Part of me loves being so low maintenance, yet another part of me feels very vulnerable, wondering what others are thinking when they look at me. I didn’t realize just how much I was hiding behind makeup. And I don’t even wear a lot! But I do wear it often, basically every day that I leave the house.
On the first day of no makeup, I went to get the oil changed in my car. I pulled up to the Jiffy Lube and a young guy in his early twenties came out to greet me. We chatted a little and he asked me if I went to school around here. Guys, I’m almost 30. I was so surprised to see that people actually thought I was younger without makeup on!
As the week went on, I thought less and less about how I looked. I know this may sound silly, but I realized that I am still me without makeup. I still have all the great qualities that define me and no amount of makeup is going to convince someone otherwise. I thought others would judge me differently or have different opinions of me. But it just goes to show how much harder we are on ourselves than others are on us.
This experiment has definitely made me feel more confident leaving the house without makeup on. In fact, I only feel the urge to wear makeup to very specific events rather than on a daily basis. Each day without makeup allowed me to feel more confident in my own skin than I’ve felt in a long time. And I know it sounds cheesy, but confidence is seriously beautiful. Plus, ditching the makeup actually helped improve my skin! Funny how that works.
Now, I challenge you to wear no makeup for a week!
Or at least a couple days. Tell me how it feels!
Annie Says
I love going makeup free! I feel pretty confident as long as my outfit has a more relaxed vibe. I don’t think I could get dressed up and go without make up (a la the beautiful Alicia Keys). Good job!
Kendra Says
Yes! I felt the same way about makeup, worn it everyday since I was 14 (not a lot, but just enough to cover imperfections). At 27, I felt amazing after not wearing any for the month of January! Such a good challenge!
Elizabeth Says
I love this post! I’m actually giving up make-up for Lent this year. I tried to give it up a few years back, but on the first day I went to a surprise birthday party for a friend. They all wanted to take photos, but I was too embarrassed of what I look like without make-up. What a terrible mentality to have!
This year I’m hoping to do better. Already I’m feeling okay about it, but I also haven’t really had to GO anywhere.
Amy Says
I love this post! Please tell me you have mascara on (please). I spent two years in the Peace Corps. Before that, as a Texas girl, I wore makeup daily. Let me tell you, two years of practically no makeup is life changing. When I got home, I put make-up on and felt like a clown. Really. It just didn’t seem like me anymore. Now I wear a little it of makeup, but I wear it for me, not because I feel ‘undressed’ without it. I like makeup and skincare and clothes, but I don’t let it rule how I feel about myself. I remember, as a teenager, wondering how in the world a man would marry me if he saw me without makeup. Ha! I can’t believe, now, that I was ever that dependent on something outside of myself for confidence. Love this post. You have beautiful skin. :)
April Says
I love this! We truly are our worst critic. I am completely the opposite about my make up. Typically, I only put make up on if I know that my picture will be taken or I am going out for a date night. People constantly tell me I have that natural beauty but honestly I like how my skin feels without make up and I am seriously low maintenance. Plus it’s nice to be noticed when I put the littlest of makeup on. Go makeup free! If you are comfortable in your own skin it doesn’t matter what anyone else thinks. Break free from the stereotype that women have to wear make up and be free in your own skin!
Sharon Says
Yes!! I was so glad to see this post. I blog at ; and I recently started the 21days no makeup challenge!!
I’m on Day 9 and already filmed with life lessons….the world looks different from my naked eyes
Felicia Says
I love this! All I do are my eyebrows, mascara, and the occasional eyeliner. But I would like to get to the point of not wearing any of that at all! You’ve definitely inspired me to care less about that stuff because in the end it truly doesn’t matter!
Mike D. McCullough Says
I love this challenge, Amanda. I think it’s amazing how much of an impact our perception of ourselves can have on our self-confidence. It’s so easy to get caught up in societal beauty standards. I completed a paper on the similar topic, so I decided to find the best research proposal writing service and discovered a few reviews that helped me a lot. But you’re absolutely right – confidence is beautiful, and it’s so much more than just what we look like on the outside. I’m definitely going to take your challenge and go a week without makeup. I’m excited to see how it affects my daily life and interactions with others. Thanks for sharing your experience and inspiring others to do the same!