How to Survive Your First Trip Together
posted on February 26, 2015 | by Amanda Holstein

Whether you’re in a new relationship or a long-standing one, there comes a time for your first trip together. Now, don’t get nervous. It doesn’t need to be as big a deal as everyone around you is probably making it out to be. Yes, you’ll be spending 24/7 together and may see some new sides of each other you haven’t experienced before. But all in all, it’s a great way to get to know each better and discover how compatible you really are. To make sure you survive your journey, I’m sharing some of my secrets with you below. Thank me later.
Plan & Book It Together
It can be stressful to choose the hotel, the flights, and the activities for any trip. Instead of putting the blame on one person if the hotel sucks, I suggest planning and booking the trip together. If it’s a bust, at least it’s on both of you. If you’re in a new relationship, this is also a great way to get excited about the trip together. With big events like this early in the relationship, you can sometimes worry whether the other person really wants to go or not. So if you plan it together, you can both show each other you’re serious about it. If you’ve been with your partner for a while, planning your trip together will allow you both to put in the same amount of effort, which can definitely help avoid any bickering down the road :).
Speak Up If You Need Your Alone Time
Spending 24/7 with the same person for any period of time is not easy, no matter who you are. Even on vacation with each other, you need to make sure you speak up when you need your alone time. Make sure you listen to your needs and voice them. If you feel yourself getting anxious or irritated, it doesn’t mean there’s anything wrong with your relationship necessarily, it may just mean you need some time for yourself. It will make sure you don’t get sick of each other and allow the trip to have some balance.
When You Have to Go Number Two…
Sorry to go there, but it’s necessary. Every girl (and guy) wonders, “Where the hell am I gonna poop?”. If you’re not quite at that comfortable stage yet with your partner, I’ve got some clever ways you can get away with this one secretly. First, use the bathroom at public places – the airport, restaurants, by the pool, etc. You won’t be spending much time in your hotel room anyways, so take the opportunity when you’re out. If you need to go in the hotel room, turn on the shower and go before you jump in. By the time you get out, no one will know. You’re welcome.
Alright, was that awkward enough for ya? Let’s move on…
You Don’t Have to Do Everything Together
Being two different people, you and your partner may not want to do all the same things at all the same times. In fact, it would be a pretty rare thing if you did. So don’t feel pressure that you have to take a surf lesson if he really wants to and you’re terrified of the water. Let him know he should totally go and enjoy it, that you want him to, and that it’s just not your thing. That way you both can make the most of the trip and not feel like either of you are holding each other back.
Have you traveled with a boyfriend or girlfriend before? What are some of your tips?
Bri Says
Great advice! I am going on a trip with my boyfriend next week, perfect timing! I gotta say the poo had to be addressed. :)
Jenna Says
I always have liked your blog and insta….especially since you started in San Francisco (where I am!) and moved to New York (where I have a huge soft spot for!). You’ve always seemed down to earth and relatable and this article proves it. It literally made me laugh out loud because it was so honest! I love the blog community but there is a fine line with coming across too put together and being relatable…you have to balance the two and you’ve got it down! Articles like these are so much more enjoyable to read! (I mean the number two thing is classic). It’s like listening to a friend rather than just someone whose style you want to emulate! I definitely want to have this sort of honesty in my own blog. Thanks for being so refreshing!
Amanda Says
Post authorThank you for your comment, Jenna! I definitely aim to be as open and honest as I can so it feels like we’re having a real conversation. I’m so glad that came across to you. Feel free to email me anytime and thank so much for reading!
Jenna Says
Of course! Thank you and will do!
Alexis Says
Such great advice!! My new-ish (4 months) boyfriend and I are actually planning our first vacation now, so this could not have come at a better time! And I totally agree with #1…one of the best parts so far has been planning & finding fun things to do together!! Fingers crossed it goes perfectly!!
Simone Says
I must say, the poo part is quite funny! Luckily, the only times I’ve travelled with a partner is after we’ve hit that comfortable period in our relationship. Honestly, it’s not as bad as it seems. I’m pretty open with my boyfriend. I’ll even open the door and have a full blown convo with him will handling the business. It just shows we as women are human. We have our ugly moments. We get morning breath. We can stink up the bathroom. We fart. We have boogers. We snore. It’s all normal. I used to be that girl who would wake up a half hour before the alarm and brush my teeth, wash my face, gloss my lips, tousle my hair, spritz a little perfume
Simone Says
Loved this article!!! I must say, the poo part is quite funny! Luckily, the only times I’ve travelled with a partner is after we’ve hit that comfortable period in our relationship. Honestly, it’s not as bad as it seems. I’m pretty open with my boyfriend. I’ll even open the door and have a full blown convo with him while handling the business. It just shows we as women are human. We have our ugly moments. We get morning breath. We can stink up the bathroom. We fart. We have boogers. We snore. It’s all normal. I used to be that girl who would wake up a half hour before the alarm and brush my teeth, wash my face, gloss my lips, tousle my hair, spritz a little perfume and hop back in the bed like #IWokeUpLikeDis! But after realizing how much sleep I was losing and how much he really didn’t care about my looks at 5:30am….I now just roll over in the bed until it’s time to get up.
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Sandra Says
Loved this! I found your blog by googleing the subject, and I have to say I couldn’t have found anything better. Super excited about reading the rest of your posts!
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