Small Impactful Ways to Say Thank You
posted on September 29, 2016 | by Amanda Holstein

It’s funny how powerful the words “thank you” can be when delivered genuinely. It’s a phrase we say often out of habit, but when we take the time to really thank someone, it can have a great impact. My boyfriend in particular is amazing at saying thank you. He thanks me all the time for things I don’t even realize deserve the attention. Everything from taking care of him to being easy in tough situations and more. He’s made me realize how nice it feels to be thanked and how I need to start saying it more often.
So I thought of a few small, but impactful ways to say thank you. Whether you’re thanking a coworker for their help, or a friend for being there for you emotionally, everyone deserves a thank you.
A handwritten note
It’s old school, but effective. Nothing compares to a handwritten note. When you take the time to sit down with pen and paper, you end up expressing yourself more thoughtfully. Receiving a handwritten note in the mail is so rare these days that it feels really special. And since design is an important aspect in every part of my life, I make sure to have pretty cards on hand.
I partnered with Papyrus today to introduce you to an awesome collaboration they’re doing with one of my favorite designers Lela Rose! This is the first time a fashion designer has teamed up with a brand like this and I’m obsessed with the collection of cards they’ve created. They’re unique, fashionable, and versatile enough for any occasion. Make sure to check them out here next time you need a card to say thank you!
A thoughtful gesture
Many people, including myself, don’t like asking for things. So why not say thank you by taking action? Do something you know the other person would like. If it’s a coworker, introduce them to someone who might help their career or track down that information they’ve been looking for. If it’s a roommate, clean up the apartment or make her bed. There are so many thoughtful ways to brighten up someone’s day (without spending any money). You just need to think about what that person would want or what would make them happy.
An in-person conversation
Instead of just a quick “thank you”, try taking a few moments to really tell the person how you feel. Try to express how much you appreciate them and what they’ve done. Make it clear that whatever you’re thanking them for, big or small, means something to you. Spending just a few more moments telling someone how thankful you are can make all the difference!
Have you thanked someone lately? How’d you do it?
Aïchatou Bella Says
I really like this post! We need to show much more gratitude towards people to expand the love in the world.
Aïchatou Bella