Everything You Need to Know About CBD

posted on June 19, 2019 | by Amanda Holstein

Everything You Need to Know About CBD

I’m so excited to bring a new topic to the Advice from a 20 Something community: CBD! We’ve all heard this buzzword for a while now, but it’s hard to wrap our minds around what CBD actually is. So I’ve teamed up with JustCBD to share as much helpful information about the topic and my personal relationship to it as well.

What is CBD?

Great question! CBD, or Cannabidiol is a natural remedy for a whole variety of ailments and symptoms. It derives from the cannabis plant. CBD is actually one of many compounds (or cannabinoids) found in the cannabis plant. Hemp and marijuana are two different varieties of the cannabis plant. CBD is found in both of these varieties. It’s extracted from the plant and diluted into the form of an oil that can be used in a variety of products.

Does it get you high?

CBD oil alone does not get you high. Only when it is combined with THC do you feel the psychoactive effects. You can find CBD products with and without THC. You may also see some that show you a ratio of CBD to THC because the strength of the THC can vary. Choosing products with or without THC just depends on your preference and what’s legal in your area. JustCBD sells products that contain CBD only (as you can tell by the name!).

Is it legal?

CBD is legal. Only when it is combined with THC does it become marijuana and then it depends on your state whether or not it’s legal.

what is cbd oil products

What benefits does it have?

SO many! Basically, CBD acts on our endocannabinoid system (ECS), which regulates things like sleep, pain, appetite, and more. This system produces neurotransmitters (where are my psych majors at!), which bind to CBD receptors in your nervous system. In other words, CBD may help reduce inflammation, which in turn may help reduce chronic pain. (This article also explains it really well!) Because of this interaction with your body, people have been using CBD to help reduce chronic pain, anxiety, depression, inflammation, acne, and so much more.

What form does it come in?

CBD products come in all different forms. Everything from food to creams to vape cartridges.  JustCBD makes everything from dried fruit to bath bombs to pain-relieving creams to gummy bears. Because CBD is extracted as an oil, it can be used in a whole variety of ways. You can also just purchase a bottle of CBD oil and place a few drops under your tongue, put it in your coffee, or your morning smoothie. It really depends on what benefits you’re looking for and personal preference.

When do you use it?

Personally, I’ve used CBD oil as a daily anti-inflammatory (which can also help with anxiety & depression). I put a few drops under my tongue and let it absorb into my system. I also love pain-relieving cream and bath bombs for my sore muscles. The dried fruit from JustCBD is pretty awesome too because I can just add some to my oatmeal in the morning!

what is cbd oil products

what is cbd oil productswhat is cbd oil products

If you guys want to give JustCBD a try, you can get 20% off right now with code “advice20“!

What do you guys think of this whole CBD fad? Do you use it? Do you have more questions about it? Let me know in your comments below!